Vietnam - India Friendship Association of Hanoi held an Executive Board meeting
Publish date 25/04/2024 | 2:31 PM  | View count: 18

On the afternoon of April 24, at the Bac Tu Liem District Party Committee, the Vietnam - India Friendship Association of Hanoi organized the Executive Board meeting under the chairmanship of Ms. Phan Lan Tu, the Chairwoman of the Association. The meeting was attended by Mr. Luu Ngoc Ha, Secretary of the Bac Tu Liem District Party Committee; Mrs. Tran Thi Phuong, Deputy Chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the HAUFO, and the Executive Board of the Association.

The conference introduced and elected Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh, Deputy Secretary of the Bac Tu Liem District Party Committee, to join the Executive Board as the Vice Chairman of the Vietnam - India Friendship Association of Hanoi. Speaking at the meeting, Mrs. Tran Thi Phuong congratulated Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh on being entrusted to hold the position of Vice Chairman of the Vietnam - India Friendship Association of Hanoi and expressed hope that he would make significant contributions to the activities of the Association in the future.

Mr. Luu Ngoc Ha, Secretary of the Bac Tu Liem District Party Committee, mentioned that Bac Tu Liem District is a developing district with a need for expanding economic cooperation, cultural exchanges, learning from the experiences of state management, urban management,... Strengthening people-to-people diplomacy activities, including relations with India, will enrich the external activities of Bac Tu Liem District.

The increased leadership participation of Bac Tu Liem District in the Executive Board of the Vietnam - India Friendship Association of Hanoi is an effort to bring people-to-people diplomatic activities to districts and counties of the HAUFO.

                                                                                      Bao Anh