Enhancing quality and effectiveness of foreign affairs and people-to-people diplomacy in the new situation
Publish date 13/05/2024 | 3:28 PM  | View count: 12

On the afternoon of May 22, the HAUFO and the Hanoi Youth Union jointly organized a training conference on "The Role of Foreign Affairs and People-to-People Diplomacy in the New Situation”. The event was attended by over 300 officials, members representing friendship associations, member organizations of the HAUFO, and youth union cadres from colleges, universities, and institutes in the city.

In his opening speech, Deputy Chairman of the HAUFO Nguyễn Nam Hải emphasized: "People-to-people diplomacy is one of the unique innovations of the Vietnamese revolution. Thoroughly embracing the diplomatic ideology of Ho Chi Minh and our Party's standpoint on people-to-people diplomacy is a crucial factor, a top important lesson learned from the practical experiences of our revolution and the people-to-people diplomatic activities throughout our country's history."



The conference focused on effectively sharing information on the tasks of people-to-people diplomacy assigned by the Hanoi Party Committee, the Hanoi People's Committee, and the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO). This was also an opportunity to enhance awareness, nurture, update, and equip knowledge about foreign affairs and people-to-people diplomacy for the younger generation in the capital city, as mentioned by Mr. Nguyễn Nam Hải.


Consequently, it substantially contributes to the development of Hanoi, as well as the country's international integration, enhancing Vietnam's international status, reputation, and influence with new positions and strengths.


During the programme, delegates listened to Mr. Đồng Huy Cương, Head of the Organization Department, Director of the International Research Institute of the VUFO, sharing and exchanging various knowledge on two main topics: "The role of foreign affairs in the new situation" and especially "The role of people-to-people diplomacy in the new situation."



In his closing remarks, Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Youth Union Trần Quang Hưng highlighted the success of the training conference after 3 hours of dedicated work. The enthusiastic delivery by the presenter encouraged active participation in lively discussions and practical interactions in various people-to-people diplomatic scenarios. This engagement brought valuable knowledge and lessons learned to support people-to-people diplomatic work in the capital city.


                                                                                                     Huong Ly