Hanoi Celebrates 25 Years as a City for Peace
Publish date 27/07/2024 | 7:27 PM  | View count: 6

On July 26, the Hanoi Union of Friendship Organizations hosted a seminar titled “Hanoi - City for Peace: 25 Years of Integration and Development.” The event welcomed nearly 150 delegates, including officials from the Central Foreign Affairs Committee, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, central and Hanoi city agencies, historians, diplomats, and contributors to UNESCO's City for Peace nomination for Hanoi. Representatives from embassies and international organizations also attended.

Jane Runkat, Chargé d'Affaires of Indonesia in Vietnam, praised Hanoi's transformation from a war-torn city to one of peace and development. She highlighted Hanoi's environmental initiatives, such as urban green spaces and public transport improvements, which contribute to a healthier lifestyle and global peace-building goals.


UNESCO's recognition of Hanoi as a City for Peace inspires other cities to pursue similar paths of peace and development, Runkat said. This recognition showcases Hanoi's ability to turn past challenges into growth opportunities. 


Trần Thị Phương, Permanent Vice Chairwoman of the Hanoi Union, noted that Hanoi remains the only capital in the Asia-Pacific region awarded the UNESCO title of City for Peace. This honor acknowledges Vietnam's cultural traditions of peace and global harmony aspirations, posing both an honor and a significant challenge for Hanoi to continually strive for everlasting peace.


The seminar featured 12 papers and discussions on topics such as leveraging UNESCO titles for sustainable development, promoting Hanoi as a green and livable city, ensuring it is a safe and appealing travel destination, and harnessing the creativity of Hanoi’s youth. These discussions reaffirmed Hanoi's comprehensive value as a City for Peace.


In his concluding remarks, Nguyen Ngoc Ky, Chairman of the Hanoi Union, appreciated the thoughtful contributions and valuable insights presented, motivating the Hanoi Union to undertake more peace and friendship missions, promoting Hanoi's culture and people, and inspiring a love for peace among all citizens, thereby upholding the esteemed title of a City for Peace as a regional and global exemplar.


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