Cooperation between Hanoi and Vientiane to be Enhanced
Publish date 14/03/2024 | 10:11 AM  | View count: 14

The working visit to Laos on March 11 and 12, 2024 by the high-level delegation from Hanoi led by Mr. Dinh Tien Dung, member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, head of the National Assembly delegation of Hanoi, set a model for the relationship between Hanoi and Vientiane. It is to further strengthen the special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam – Laos and vice-versa.

A marking milestone

This was the second visit of the Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, Dinh Tien Dung, to Vientiane after the one made by him in April 2022. The purpose of this mission was to evaluate the implementation results of the Cooperation Agreement for the 2022 – 2025 period between the two capital cities signed during the first visit. Additionally, it helped outline the direction for future cooperation.


This significant visit was even more profound as it took place right after the high-level meeting between the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, led by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and General Secretary, President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith respectively, in Hanoi in late February this year. It demonstrated that Vietnam's proactive and highly responsible approach to concretizing cooperation with its Lao counterpart is swiftly, effectively, and in the right direction.


Following a series of vibrant cooperation activities between the two localities, Hanoi and Vientiane, in implementing the Cooperation Agreement for the 2022-2025 period, this visit served as a milestone in further tightening the friendship and cooperative relationship between the two capital cities. Looking back on the cooperation between both sides in 2022-2023, we can clearly see the effectiveness from high to grassroots levels, deeply rooted among the people.



Hanoi and Vientiane have organized many high-level delegations led by Municipal Party Secretaries, Chairpersons and Vice Chairpersons to pay working visits to each other. At the local level, agencies, units, organizations from both sides have signed 8 cooperation agreements and been implementing them effectively. They have contributed to promoting comprehensive cooperation between Hanoi and Vientiane in politics, economics, culture, and social aspects. The two capital cities are also engaged in various forms of new specialized cooperation such as dialogues, exchanging experiences on Party building and political system development, economic - social development; organizing investment, trade, tourism cooperation forums in both cities, sending delegations to participate in fairs, festivals, tourism, etc.


Especially, just over a year after commencement, the construction project of the headquarters of the Department of Justice and People's Procuracy of Vientiane Capital supported by Hanoi with a construction budget of 3 million USD has been completed. This project is an example for the friendly relations between the two localities during the 2022-2025 period. It covers a 2.5ha area, consisting of 2 office buildings and 1 modern conference hall.


In appreciation of this deeply political significant gift from Hanoi to Vientiane, Secretary of Vientiane Municipal Party Committee Anouphap Tounalom expressed gratitude to the Party Committee, government, and people of Hanoi, while committing to using the facility effectively. It will contribute to improving infrastructure to serve the construction of a modern administrative system for Vientiane Capital itself.


Affirming a new step forward

The working visit of the high-level delegation from Hanoi to Laos this time can be considered successful in all aspects. Mr. Dinh Tien Dung and the delegation had quality meetings with Lao leaders such as the Party General Secretary, President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith and Prime Minister of Laos Sonexay Siphandone. The leaders of the Lao Party and State warmly welcomed the Hanoi delegation with sincere affection. They especially acknowledged and highly praised the cooperation results between the two capital cities based on the Cooperation Agreement for the 2022-2025 period.


Party General Secretary, President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith expressed gratitude for Hanoi's affection towards Vientiane Capital and other localities in Laos. He affirmed that Hanoi's support was very practical, exemplified by the construction project of the headquarters of the Department of Justice and People's Procuracy of Vientiane Capital. The cooperation between Hanoi and Vientiane Capital demonstrates a special level of mutual trust.


During this working visit, the high-level delegation from Hanoi and Secretary of Hanoi Party Committee directly shared their experiences in Party building with their counterparts. Mr. Dinh Tien Dung presented Secretary of Vientiane Party Committee Anouphap Tounalom with a set of reference materials on Party building and development of the political system.


In the future, Hanoi and Vientiane Capital will continue to collaborate, unite efforts, and strive to better implement the Cooperation Agreement for the 2022-2025 period. Both sides will prioritize economic cooperation to overcome difficulties together and develop rapidly and sustainably. Specifically, Hanoi and Vientiane Capital will enhance trade exchanges, investment activities, seek new partnerships, boost cooperation in developing linked tourism products and creating opportunities for businesses from both sides to push up cooperation.


As capital cities with joint efforts, determination, proactive spirit, creativity, and dedication from leaders, Hanoi and Vientiane Capital will surely continue to be role models, lead ahead, and achieve the goal of turning their cooperative relationship into an exemplary model. It will contribute to nurturing the special friendly cooperative relationship between the two sides “evergreen and sustainable” for generations to come.


                                                                                                                 Uyen Nhi