Announcement: writing contest “Hanoi in my heart”
Publish date 13/05/2024 | 9:50 AM  | View count: 56

In celebration of the 70th anniversary of Hanoi Liberation Day (10/10/1954-10/10/2024) and the 25th anniversary of Hanoi’s UNESCO-awarded title “City for Peace” (16/7/1999-16/7/2024), the Hanoi Union of Friendship Organizations has declared the launch of the Writing Contest “HANOI IN MY HEART”.

This will be an opportunity for international friends and overseas Vietnamese to express their sentiments towards Hanoi,  spread the beauties of its land, people, and culture and promote the mutual understanding and solidarity between Vietnamese people, particularly Hanoians, and international friends. This also aims to contribute to build Hanoi into a more prosperous, attractive and civilized city.


1. Contestant:

Foreigners and overseas Vietnamese.

2. Content: 

Contestants’ impressions or experiences with Hanoi from  their stay in, or visit to this city.

3. Entry: 
- Length: not more than 2000 words set in Time New Roman font. 
- Language: Vietnamese or English.
- Genre: short story, memoirs, or essay
- Pictures or images ( qualified for publishing on newspapers) as illustration to the writing are appreciated.
- Contestants must ensure the copyright on their writing by themselves. Any infringement thereof will cause the entry unqualified or the prize (if any) withdrawn.
- The number of submitted entries by one person can be more than one. 
- The entry must be provided with the name, job, work address, house address, telephone number, and e-mail of the contestant, and must be sent to:
-The entry may be considered by the Organizing Board for uploading onto the mass media.

4. Prize:
01 Special Prize, 02 First Prizes, 03 Second Prizes, 05 Third Prizes,  and 10 Consolation Prizes.

5. Timeline:
- Entry submission: From May, 2024 to September 10th, 2024. 
- Prize presentation:  October, 2024. 

Contestants may get updated information on the contest and check its results in the website:; “Friendship and Cooperation Bulletin” and the mass media. Winners will be notified accordingly by the Organizing Board.  In case of the winner’s failure to attend the prize-presentation ceremony, the Organizing Board will send them the prize and certificate via post, or through embassies or international organizations.


The Hanoi Union of Friendship Organizations looks forward to receive enthusiastic responses from its member associations, which are kindly requested to circulate the announcement on the contest  and encourage their members,  foreigners and overseas Vietnamese to participate therein. It is hoped that, through this contest, the love for Hanoi, especially the values of its thousands-of-year civilization, will be further promoted.

Thank you for your participation!


For more  information please contact: Ms. Giang, 0914090103