Bulletins Friendship and cooperration

Glorious History of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Publish date 03/02/2023 | 8:31 AM  | View count: 100

Over 93 years of leading the struggle for national liberation as well as in today's national construction and defense, the Communist Party of Vietnam has always been aware of its position, role and responsibility in the destiny of the Vietnamese nation.

Therefore, it always attaches itself to the life of the people, which creates concerted strengths to bring the Vietnamese revolution from one victory to another, making contributions to the communist movement for peace and progress of mankind.


On February 3, 1930, under the chairmanship of Leader Nguyen Ai Quoc, three communist organizations, i.e the Annam Communist Party, the Indochinese Communist Party and the Indochinese Communist League, merged into a party organization named the Communist Party of Vietnam. This was the necessity of history, the growth of the workers’ movement and the patriotic movement of Vietnam combined with Marxism-Leninism, the result of the full political, ideological and organizational preparation of the beloved President Ho Chi Minh. The establishment of the Communist Party of Vietnam is a great turning point in our country’s revolutionary history, marking a brilliant milestone on the development path of the nation.


After its founding, our Party immediately assumed the exclusive leadership and joined the national and class struggles in Vietnam. It gradually created the power, strength and opportunity to lead the whole nation to rise up and carry out the August Revolution in 1945. This victorious Revolution broke down the colonial rule over Vietnam, which had existed for nearly a hundred years, and overthrew the feudal system that had weighed heavily on our people, opened a great turning point of the revolution, ushered the Vietnamese people into a new era of national independence associated with socialism.



Nine years later, the Vietnamese people were proud to be the first colonial country defeating the powerful French professional army, which was marked by the glorious Dien Bien Phu victory. We forced France to sign the Geneva Agreement to respect the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Vietnam and other countries on the Indochinese peninsula, and at the same time encouraged the peoples of the colonial countries to rise up.


The Party and Uncle Ho gave strength and faith to the whole Vietnamese people to go on with the long war against US invasion and for national salvation more than two decades later. Based on its sound and wise leadership, and the brave and indomitable spirit of the people, despite all hardships and sacrifices, the Party led the nation to defeat the strategic war of the US imperialists and win many glorious victories. Especially, the historic Ho Chi Minh Campaign in 1975 had ended the 30-year war for national liberation, completely liberating the South of Vietnam and getting the country reunified.


In face of the hardships caused by the heavy war-aftermath and the embargo by hostile forces, our Party steadfastly stuck to Marxism- Lenin and Ho Chi Minh Thought. It initiated the cause of national renewal and led the entire people to successfully carry it out, achieving great goals of historical significance.

The Party has also led the people to succeed in the struggle against the recent Covid-19 pandemic and other natural disasters. It has encouraged the entire people and army to promote patriotism, solidarity, determination, bravery, and creativity to reap many very important and comprehensive achievements. Vietnam is now developing rapidly and sustainably, which enhances the people’s trust in the Party and State.

After the pandemic had been controlled and society had moved to a state of “new normal”, Vietnam’s economy gradually recovered; the GDP growth rate in 2022 is estimated to be at 8.02%, the highest index ever recorded in the 2011-2022 period. The fields of social life, like security, health, education and training, science and technology, environmental protection, cultural development, and human development, etc. have seen many positive changes. Our foreign affairs and international integration are being promoted, constantly expanding and deepening. This effort persistently protects our national independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and interests, and maintains a peaceful and stable environment for national development as well. At the same time, it makes an active and responsible contribution to peace, cooperation and development of the world and the region, which is unanimously supported and appreciated by the international community. Hence, the standing of the Party, State, and nation has been further enhanced in the international arena.

The 93rd founding- anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam was held on the occasion when the whole nation was jubilantly welcoming the Lunar New Year 2023. We are even more proud that our country has a resilient Communist Party, loyal to Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought. The Party has led our people from one victory to another, done great feats in the national history, and made worthy contributions to the international communist and workers’ movement for peace and progress of humanity.

Bao Anh