Hanoi People-to-People Diplomacy Strengthens Vietnam-Laos Friendship
Publish date 26/07/2024 | 2:18 AM  | View count: 23

In celebration of the 57th founding anniversary of ASEAN (August 8, 1967 - August 8, 2024), the “Friendship and Cooperation” Bulletin conducted an interview with Mr. Khamphao Eunthavanh, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic to Vietnam. As we know, Laos is currently exercising the 2024 ASEAN Chairmanship.

Reporter: We know that Laos is currently the 2024 ASEAN Chair. So what activities has the Lao Embassy already done to contribute to the performance of this task, and what plans are in place to connect ASEAN embassies in Vietnam?


Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Khamphao Eunthavanh: In 2024, with Laos assuming the ASEAN Chairmanship, the Lao Embassy in Vietnam has collaborated with the Hanoi Union of Friendship Organizations and embassies of ASEAN countries to organize various activities aimed at fostering friendship and cooperation with Vietnamese state agencies and organizations. Since I took office at the end of 2023, I have participated in numerous activities such as the 2023 Cultural Week, the 2023 International Food Festival, New Year celebrations for 2024, the cultural exchanges for the traditional New Year celebrations of some Asian countries, the 2024 Hanoi Lotus Festival, and meetings with the ASEAN Secretary-General and ASEAN youth under the theme “ASEAN Youth - ASEAN Future: The Role of Youth in Shaping ASEAN’s Future.” I led the delegation of ASEAN and Timor-Leste ambassadors to pay courtesy calls and congratulate H.E Mr.To Lam on being elected President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and H.E Mr. Tran Thanh Man on being elected Chairman of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.


For the latter half of 2024, we have planned several activities: the ASEAN Friendship Cultural Day (August 2024) and a meeting to review the results of Laos' ASEAN Chairmanship and discuss shared interests between the ASEAN diplomatic corps and the EU in Hanoi (October 2024).


I believe that with the achieved results and the upcoming planned activities of the Lao Embassy, the ASEAN embassies, and the Hanoi Union of Friendship Organizations, we will strengthen understanding and closeness among ASEAN peoples, bringing benefits to all countries in the region.


As Ambassador, I am committed to supporting and actively participating in all initiatives, plans, and programs of ASEAN embassies and the Hanoi Union of Friendship Organizations.


Reporter: What plans do you have to develop Vietnam-Laos relations?


Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Khamphao Eunthavanh: The regional and international situation has become complicated and is rapidly changing, significantly impacting countries worldwide, including Laos and Vietnam. Therefore, in recent times, the leaderships of the Party, Government, National Assembly, and central and local agencies of the two countries respectively have met, exchanged, cooperated, and coordinated to implement the signed agreements across various fields. The Lao Embassy staff and I, as Ambassador, will strive to promote cooperation between Laos and Vietnam, continuing to work with relevant Lao and Vietnamese parties to monitor and foster cooperation in politics, defense, and security. This includes the results of the high-level meeting between the two Politburos in February 2024, the discussion between the Prime Ministers of Laos and Vietnam, and the 46th meeting of the Laos-Vietnam Cooperation Committee in early 2024 to contribute to the protection and development of both nations.


 The economic and trade cooperation between Laos and Vietnam has seen significant progress but is still not commensurate with the political relationship. Our task is to enhance this type of cooperation, bringing greater benefits to both countries. I believe we should:


1. Ensure that sectors and agencies at both central and local levels of the two sides implement cooperation plans comprehensively and promptly, while establishing a bilateral mechanism to address issues and assist businesses in successfully implementing projects in Laos and Vietnam.

2. Facilitate meetings and experience exchanges between enterprises of both countries, exploring strengths to collaborate in business and support each other effectively.

3. Continue high-level exchanges and discussions on economic and trade topics to promptly address and overcome challenges in economic and trade cooperation.


Additionally, we will promote cooperation in other fields and enhance people-to-people diplomacy so that the peoples of Laos and Vietnam get more understanding of each other and further come together for mutual support and assistance.


Reporter: How do you evaluate the role of the Hanoi Union of Friendship Organizations in Hanoi's people-to-people diplomacy?


Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Khamphao Eunthavanh: The Hanoi Union of Friendship Organizations is a core force in the Hanoi capital’s people-to-people diplomacy. Over the years, it has effectively implemented various people-to-people activities, attracting resources for socio-economic development and contributing to Hanoi’s overall development. It has also actively participated in the cause of peace, development, and social progress for the Vietnamese people and the world.


The Union has strengthened and deepened friendships, promoted cooperation with neighboring countries, important partners, traditional friends, and expanded relations with new partners. Notable activities include the New Year Cultural Exchange Program, Spring Friendship Tours, Traditional Asian New Year Celebrations, ASEAN Cultural and Artistic Exchanges, Latin American Music Nights, which have significantly promoted Vietnamese culture and the Hanoi capital itself, and strengthened solidarity and mutual understanding with the international community.


The Hanoi Union of Friendship Organizations has advised and contributed significantly to creating new external communication channels, meeting the new requirements and aiming to promote Hanoi to international friends.


With these achievements, the Union has become a bridge of friendship between the people of Hanoi and the world, embodying mutual support and sharing to overcome global challenges together.


Reporter: Thank you very much, Ambassador!